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[lead_block class=”narrow” background_color=”#ccc” text=”Providing scholarships for students who need financial support, tutoring, or employment support to succeed in preparing for competitive employment in the engineering and construction industries.”][/lead_block]
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Daniel Ruiz
Armando J. de Moya Scholarship Winner
Daniel Ruiz is an extremely deserving and hard working engineering student at the University of Florida who is committed to making a difference in the field as well as the world!
Madeley Guerrero and Jason Lopez
de Moya Foundation Merit Scholarship Winners
Both Madeley Guerrero and Jason Lopez are very dedicated and passionate engineering students at the University of Florida.
Eddy Maldonado
Alexander de Moya Panther PLUS Scholarship Winner
This year’s scholarship was awarded to Eddy Maldonado so that he may follow his dream to attend college and gain more independence.